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Your Ultimate Guides to Sexual Health

3 Reasons to Practice Kegels Everyday
Kegel exercises are famous for their benefits nowadays and both men and women enjoy practicing them on a regular basis. They can improve your health but also your sexual performance and even increase the level of pleasure that you experience during your sexual encounters. And since these exercises are available for both men and women, you can always try them out with your partner.
Why You Should Never Mix Sex with Guilt
Combining sex with guilt can sour intimate connections, hindering enjoyment and trust. Guilt mingles with desire, creating a toxic mix that stifles pleasure and openness. Healthy relationships thrive when sex is free from guilt, allowing for genuine connection and fulfillment.
Save Him from the 4 Things Hurting His Sex Drive
If your man is not feeling so sexual at a certain moment, you shouldn’t take it personally. More often than not, you are not to blame for his lack of interest in your sex life. External factors might have a direct impact not only on his sexual desire, but on his sexual performance as well.
How Kegel Exercises Can Change Your Sex Life
Kegel exercises are contractions that you can control of your pelvic muscles. After childbirth, these muscles suffer quite a bit, and you might need to help them to get back in shape. Also, if you have a sedentary lifestyle, your pelvic muscles might not function at their highest standards. Practicing Kegel exercises of contraction regularly will help improve such conditions and your entire genitalia.
How Does Sex Reduces Stress
There are many things out there about the benefits of a healthy sex life but the most common one that seems to be mentioned in any study regarding this subject is the power that a good sexual encounter has over our level of stress. The short version is that sex is a great way to release a high level of stress that we might be dealing with.
Having Sex After a Heart Attack
Resuming sexual activity after a heart attack requires open communication with healthcare providers and partners. With proper guidance, many individuals can safely return to intimacy by following personalized recommendations for physical activity, medication management, and lifestyle adjustments to support heart health and sexual wellness.
Top Foods to Eat for Amazing Sex
Nutrition greatly affects your life. When I say life, I really mean all aspects of it, including your sex life. Diet also plays a big role in your sexual health, which is why you need to pay attention to the kind of foods you are consuming.
Reasons Why You Might Have Problems Reaching an Orgasm
You might think that an orgasm comes naturally during sexual intercourse or sexual stimulation and when it doesn’t, you can find a hundred differe...
Why Women Lose Interest in Sex
Sex is a big part of our lives and it can be essential for a couple but also for one’s personal physical and mental health. So, let’s see what are the main reasons why a woman might not feel so sexual like she used to.
Why Women Might Feel Sad after Sex
Women tend to be a lot more emotional than men and their sexual life is no exception to this general rule either. But some side effects of a good and intense sexual encounter might be hard to explain. Especially when they catch you off guard.
Why Some Women Avoid Sex
Is your partner avoiding having sexual intercourse as often as you would like to or as often as they used to enjoy it? If that is the case, identifying her reasons might not be so easy. Superficial ones like headaches, or too much stress to deal with at work, can function for a temporary period of time.
Why Men Tend to Lose Interest in Sex
Even if men are usually the more sexual ones, there are moments when their drive has to suffer as well, and the signs should be picked up on earlier than later. Is important to not ignore a lack of sexual interest that you might feel on yourself if you are a man or you might feel on your partner.
When to See a Sex Therapist
Sex therapists can help you extremely, especially when your sex life is struggling and we all have phases like that. Unfortunately, not all couples go to see a sex therapist until things get too complicated and hard to control. This happens because they fail to recognize the first signs that signal a certain problem, or they ignore them with the hope that they will find their own resolution which is almost never the case.
Things that are Killing Sexual Drive
Having a low sex drive can be a real problem not just for you but for your relationship as well. Turning to your partner or your doctor for a chat...
How Birth Control Can Effect Sexual Desire and How To Fix It
Birth control is something most sexually active people do to limit the chances of pregnancy. Depending on the type of birth control used, it could ...
3 Ways Women Can Cope with Sex Anxiety
Women tend to put more tension on their sexual life than men. It often happens because they spend too much time judging their body. The sexual anxiety this creates can do certain damage to a relationship and even reduce a woman’s sex appeal. The truth is only a few ladies are satisfied with the way they look.
Aphrodisiac Foods to Totally Get a Woman Hornier Than Ever
Women like sex just as much as men. If some of them have a certain problem with their libido, it might be because they don’t eat magical foods that can boost their sex drive! It might not be enough to use the perfect vibrator, orgasm belt or even nipple clamps to get to be in the mood for an intense sexual encounter with your partner.
Waist Training Guide for Beginners
You have probably heard about waist training before. In fact, it has become more popular in recent years. But this technique has been around for a very long time, it is widely used by women and men who cross dress.
The Right Way to Tell a Partner of Your STD
The moment you discover you have an STD can be quite shocking. You will probably experience a variety of overwhelming feelings. But at some point, if you start to date or if you are already in a relationship (especially, if you are havingsex), you will need to tell your partner about it.
3 Dangers of Porn to Your Sexual Health
Even if many hot ideas can be acquired from watching different erotic videos, too much porn can actually bring more damage than benefits to your sexual life and your entire relationship. While using porn as a source of inspiration can increase the diversity in your intimate life, when you become dependent on porn to reach sexual pleasure and satisfaction, then things are not on the right path.
Top Reasons Why Your Sex Drive is Low
A low sex drive can be quite a problem for some men, and if a man is in a relationship, it can be even more damaging. This is a shame because, naturally, most people are quite sexual.
Key Elements of Sexual Health You Must Know
If you are not careful about your sex life, then things might turn out pretty bad for you. You can catch a sexually transmitted disease (STD), have trouble building intimacy with your partner, become deprived of physical and mental satisfaction, face unwanted pregnancy etc.
Six Ways Sexual BDSM Benefits Your Health
Are the people who play with whips and chains in the bedroom healthier than people who just have normal sex? According to many recent studies, the answer is yes. Usually people who practice BDSM have a higher sex drive and healthier mind.
Sexual Side Effects of Menopause
A woman’s body goes through a lot of changes and every age has its beauties especially when it comes to sexual experiences and preferences. Women don’t only change their body but also their sexual needs along the time and they can have lower or higher sex drive according to these changes that some men might not be aware of and misinterpret.

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