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Autumn's Bondage 101: Beginner's Guide to Glass Sex Toys

All good things come in different shapes, sizes, colors… and materials (hehe). Glass dildos have become extremely popular and it’s easy to see why. For one thing, they are harder (always a good thing wink*) and they create a very sleek penetration (also, a good thing!). They can be twisted or curved, some have little bumps on them and ridges, all creating different sensations. By the way, glass dildos are much firmer and go on much smoother than their silicone or other materials counterparts. The material feels really different, especially if you are used to other dildos, that’s why I encourage you to try one to see how it feels.

Most glass dildos are not made with regular glass, clearly. They are constructed of borosilicate glass; that name probably won’t ring a bell unless you are a chemist or engineer, but you may recognize it because this material is also employed in Pyrex bowls and dishes. This means they will not break when you start playing with their temperature (whether it’s cold or warm!). Many people enjoy the visual of glass dildo because they are, well, really pretty. I’m not saying the silicone dildos are not pretty (I didn’t meant for you plastic babes feel bad! Still love you guys), but you know, there is something extremely appealing and beautiful in a glass toy.

You can begin to get used to the feeling by rolling it over your body (even better if it is warm, wink*).

Once you have your little (or maybe not so little, hehe) precious toy, you can add some nice lub. This lubrication will make the dildo a lot more slick and smooth. You can use any lubricant with it but keep in mind where you will be playing with it; if you are using it in the shower, use a silicone or polymer one, if you will not be getting wet (well, we know you will, but you know what I mean wink*) you can use a water based one. When you are ready, insert the dildo and try twisting it around. This will feel great against your vaginal walls and will create that much needed stimulation; if your dildo has little bumps or ridges, it will feel in-cre-di-ble. Most women find rocking it inside them preferable to thrusting it inside because those very sensitive spots are better reached this way, especially if it’s a g-spot orgasm you are after. And guys, this is also for you! A glass dildo will feel really good if you roll it over the shaft of an erect penis. More ways to use this fun toy? You can just play and stimulate your clitoris as well, without inserting it in the vagina; in my experience, alternating between methods is what I like the best, but of course is up to you, wink*.

And of course you can always do some temperature play with them. These methods will allow the toy to hold the temperature longer, allowing you more time to play with it. You can either submerge the dildo in a pan filled with hot water for a few minutes, then add a little more hot water, and then leave it there for a while until it reaches a temperature that feels good to you. Just remember to never try to heat it up in a microwave. If it’s a cold dildo you are looking for, you can apply the same method but using cold water instead. Or if you want to, you could also cool it in the fridge, but with the first method it will probably hold the temperature longer. If you still want to do it this way, let the dildo at room temperature for a few minutes for it to acclimatize. Then put it on a clean and dry shelf in the fridge, you could leave it for 10 to 20 minutes, until it reaches the temperature you want. Whatever method you use and whether is cold or warm you are after, remember to test the temperature first in the inside of your wrist or your forearm before starting to play with it. This will prevent accidents or any unpleasant moments you may have otherwise, temperatures can be deceiving. Once you are all set, you can start using your little glass toy, remember it’s not just pretty to look at, it’s also very fun wink*.

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