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Beginner's Ball Gags

How to wear a ball gag? When you're looking for the Basics of Bondage, what you need is a really good beginner's ball gag. The easy-to-wear soft leatherette strap holds that small, sexy ball gag just perfectly in your perfect slave’s mouth. Plus, the buckle has an extra slot so you can adjust it to your taste or their comfort level (very important with beginners!)

Why Choose Beginner's Ball Gags?

If you’re just starting to explore bondage, it can be a little overwhelming. There are lots of new sensations and variables you have to consider when playing with bondage. Luckily, we’ve got your back—and your mouth—with our Beginner’s Ball Gag. It’s easy to wear and simple enough for even novices to figure out how it works. The small ball is comfortable for long-term wear (if you should so choose) but also won't distract from your other fun activities! You really don't need much more than a good beginner's ball gag if you're looking for pleasure in restraint and erotic gagging!

What to Look for in a Beginner's Ball Gag

If you’re just starting out and are unsure about how to pick a beginner’s ball gag, there are some important factors to consider. Gags come in several different materials, like leather or plastic, and it can be hard to know which one will best suit your needs. The two most common kinds of gags (and what they mean) are: ball gags - This is a mouth-covering device that resembles a small rubber football. This type of gag works by blocking off your partner’s ability to speak—which could be either an interesting way for them to lose control or be extremely frustrating depending on their kink! These gags are often good for beginners because they work well with a number of different outfits and styles.

Leather versus Rubber Ball Gags

Leather bondage ball gags are best for advanced users who have been using these toys for a while and are used to wearing them. Leather is soft, supple, and will conform to your mouth after a few uses. The rubber ball gags feel much firmer against your teeth.

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