Sex (Me)me Up!

Sex (Me)me Up!: Contest Rules and Conditions

  • Captions should be fun, relatable, and appropriate.
  • Submissions featuring profanity or otherwise offensive language will not be considered.
  • Contestants may submit 3 captions per meme per month.
  • Submissions will only be accepted through the Sub-Shop Official Sex (Me)me Up! Submission Form . Other forms of entry will not be accepted or considered.
  • Submissions will be accepted from 12:01am on the 15th of the month, through 12:00am on the 14th of the following month.
  • Winners will be announced on the 1st of each month (or, if a weekend or holiday, on the following business day). There will be 1 winner per meme, but no one person can win all three memes.
  • Winners will be selected by staff on the following criteria:
    • Appropriateness of language
    • Creativity
    • Originality
  • First place winners will receive a $25 gift certificate, delivered via e-mail. All winners will have their memes featured on and on our Twitter page.
  • To qualify, contestants must be 18 years of age or older and must have a valid e-mail address.