Please tell us a little bit about yourself – How would you describe your everyday vanilla life?

I just turned 34, married oct 31 2018 to my gf of 15 years. My day is pretty average get up tend to pets needs, check mail, organize doctor visits return calls etc. (My wife's disabled) After running to whatever appointments there are that day, come home, help her into a resting position start dinner, tend to her needs and watch tv.
When did you first realize you were into bondage?
The first time I realized I was into bondage is when I read the comic sunstone, (Im a huge comic fan) We've always been interested in bondage and done the basic blindfolds, handcuffs etc. Even read that boring bland 50 shades series (The porn adaptation was far superior) Sunstone showed us it wasn't for deviants and warped minds, it showed you didn't need a fat pay check to afford the toys, that bdsm is more than just a kink it's a lifestyle. We had our first real session and it was phenomenal! Broke down some real emotional barriers and brought my wife to tears (In good ways), Since then we have been hooked.
How you best describe yourself and why? Your choices are: Dominant, Submissive, Switch or Fuzzy Rainbow Unicorn.
I am dominant and my wife is submissive-switch with a strong tendency toward sub.
Do you feel that your desire for bondage is more physical or emotional? (please elaborate)
My desire I feel is more emotional, I enjoy the mental dominance, being listened to, obeyed, unquestioned, as I'm often times neglected and my thoughts and opinions disregarded by family.
What does BDSM mean to you: is it a lifestyle, a diversion, or something else?
BDSM is a lifestyle, the more I learn the more I want to know, it can save marriages, and strengthen the love that already exists.
Were lovers accepting of your interest in bondage?
We have no non-family friends, but those who know are surprised but understanding, others non family shun us for it and call us freaks. Oddly enough this comes from a bi-sexual currently lesbian ex sister in law who frequents gay pride parades.
Please briefly describe your first bondage experience.
I wont count the first time we used a blindfold or cuffs as those were accessories not an actual session. We set the atmosphere lights etc, I stripped her down, undressed her, blindfolded her and bent her over the bed, tracing her curves and letting her feel my growing desire against her skin. All the while I asked her if she could feel how much I wanted her, how beautiful she was to me, every time she made a disparaging remark about herself I would flog her and spank her. She has such a low opinion of herself and forcing her to confront her insecurities with hard flesh to the contrary it got to her. In good ways of course. After that session we were closer, emotionally, she let me in to her soul that night in ways she never has before.
What was your best bondage experience?
Probably the first. (See above)
What is the most creative safe word you have ever used?
What do you feel is most important about the experience of bondage?
The emotional aspect, the freedom for subs to let go of all their stress in life and surrender to someone else's guidance. For Doms it's much of the same way, a chance to let their voice be heard and obeyed, to feel listened to and feel admired, desired, it's quite empowering.
What is the best advice you would give to someone just starting out with BDSM?
Read Sunstone. Forget 50 shades, that is for lonely house wife's who think blindfolds are as kinky as it gets. Sunstone opens your eyes to everything BDSM offers, and above all don't feel ashamed about it, BDSM is empowering to everyone! Just make sure its with someone you trust.
What is your favorite gear, toy or lingerie item from and why?
I love a plain ball gag with red ball and black collar. It epitomizes what BDSM to me, suggestive, sexy, and controlling.
What is the one sensual fantasy you haven’t lived out yet that you are excited to try?
Domming two girls at once.
If you had to be trapped in a tv show for a month, which would you choose and why?
The originals, I took the main characters name legally, and he and I share so much in common, mood, mannerisms, thoughts. Though there is no sex in it, there is alot of domination and submission behind it all.
Is there anything else you would like to share with us such as advice, thoughts or a silly knock-knock jokes? We are all ears and ball gags.
Look into selling more books on the site? Specifically the sunstone graphic novels, they are what 50 shades wished it could be. Sexy, smart, artistic without demonizing bdsm at all, but also showing the good and the bad sides.