Giving the perfect massage requires great skill. It will make you and your partner ecstatic. It is not hard if you learn to do it the right way. It is worth to become skilled at it since you can use it to help someone relieve their tension and improve their overall health (Really! Look it up.)
The first rule about massages is, you shouldn’t put too much pressure on the muscles. Massages done to relieve knots, you obviously can cause some pain in getting rid of them, but this is not the main goal in sensual massages. The pressure should be firm enough for you feel the muscle beneath the skin without your partner feeling any pain. Never put too much pressure on the muscles going over the shoulder blades and ribs. This also goes for the knees, elbows and shoulders.
Just as well, don’t ever push on the spine.
The second rule is to always go very slow. You can use your hands, fingers or the pads of your fingers but never rub hard and fast on the skin (as a matter of fact, don’t do this in other body parts. *wink*)
The next rule for giving a proper massage is not to be afraid to learn a bit more about the techniques. You can find plenty of videos out there in the web; after all, this is the 21th century.

The shoulders are where most people carry most of their tension. If you want to relax your partner’s shoulders, go behind them and grab onto them. Then push down with your thumbs. If your hands get tired, move to your forearms. Put your right forearm on his or her right shoulder (palms facing up) and the same way on the other side. You can use your body weight to press down when you push your forearms to their neck. If you are feeling lazy, just grab a ball (like a tennis ball) and roll it over their shoulders.
Lower back
The muscles to keep us standing tall are located on our sides at our lower back (if you put your hands on your hips you will feel them.) As you can imagine they get a lot of tension, but a massage can certainly relieve it. Just straddle your partner and put one hand in the muscle group, your fingers should be pointing away from the spine. Use your body weight to press down, focus on the heel of your hand at each side of the spine. If they feel too much pressure, grab a pillow and put it beneath their hips.
To relieve tension in the neck of your partner, make them sit down or stand up when you give them the massage. Put your palms on the back of the neck, the idea is to create some pressure with your thumb and the remaining fingers. Gently pull your hand to the back of the neck when you squeeze your fingers. The only thing to keep in mind is, don’t put the pressure in the front because you will choke them (doing so would be a different kind of play wink*)
Massaging the head can be surprisingly relaxing. You will need to put your thumbs at the back of their head and your fingers right on the top. You should slowly move your fingertips in a circular motion, focusing on the forehead to the back of the head. When you are done, put your thumbs at the hairline right in the middle of the forehead. Feel free to massage their temple and even their jaw.
Hands and feet
You will need to put pressure on the muscles of the hands and feet. You can do this with the pads of your fingers. Then, focus on the toes. One good idea for the feet is to grab a foot with your hands and your thumbs should be located at the base of the foot. You can squeeze and move your hands all over the foot, from the ball to the heel.