Autumn's Bondage 101: Beginner's Guide to Bondage Wrap

When you want to tie someone up and have your wicked way with them, ropes are probably the first thing you are thinking about…or chains, depending on preference wink*. But if you’re starting out or just want to try something different, wrap might be exactly what you are looking for.

Bondage wrap is incredibly versatile and comes in a bunch of different colors, perfect for you to choose from; it’s a great choice for those seeking light bondage because it’s really comfortable and stretchy. Another good thing about it is how fast you can put it on someone. Unlike rope, it takes very little effort and time to put it someone, so it’s a great choice if that is what you are looking for…easy comes, easy goes (you can take it off in a second!)

So, what can you do with it? Well, you can use as a blindfold in case you don’t have one, for instance. You can also tie them to a chair or bed…or you can wrap your partner’s ankles and/or wrists. If you fancy the whole look, you can even wrap their whole body with it! Just start with the ankles and work your way to top. Your partner should have its hands stuck to their sides for you to do it right. Just be careful not to cover their faces because they will still need to breathe, wink*. And when you are done wrapping, you can always cut some places for easy access wink*.

Another cool thing to do is have your lovely partner lie on their back, knees in the air, and then tie their right ankle to their right wrist and then follow with their left counterparts. Did I mention how…appealing this position will be for you to do what you with them?

Keep in mind wrap will make the person quite immobile, so they won’t be moving a great deal. And you should also know the places where the body isn’t wrapped, will have increased sensitivity so that brings on a whole different set of possibilities.

Although wrap is generally safe, you will still need to take some precautions. You should never tie someone too tight because you can cut off circulation. That also means you should always keep a pair of bondage scissors nearby when you are playing in order to cut the wrap when you’re done. Bondage scissors are special because they have a rounded tip and one blade. They are created this way so you can cut the wrap without cutting the skin. Bondage wrap can be extremely fun, especially if you find ways to get creative with it, so what are you waiting for to get some? Wink*.

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