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Fascinating Facts about Vagina that every Men and Woman Should Know

Oh, the vagina; that mysterious organ that launched a thousand ships... Throughout history, for some reason or another, many people have been intimidated by them. But as anyone who has one can tell you: come in and see for yourself; it is incredibly cozy in there wink*Most of these misconceptions are related to the lack of public information about them, so it’s time to take down those barriers and learn more about them.

If you could give a prize to anything more mysterious than the vagina, the clitoris would probably take the cake. The reality is that this little nub has inspired a lot of questions, but you may be surprised to know the clitoris is not just that little tip; this is just a little part of the whole clitoris. Beneath those external glands exists a tube that diverges to both sides of the vagina. And if that surprises you, then get ready for this: the whole clitoris actually measures about 6 or 7 inches long…yes, men are not the only ones packing some size wink*

Those internal members kind of create a pair of ‘legs’ which go along the vagina, all the way to the back of the pelvis. When something goes inside the vagina those ‘legs’ move back and forward, sort of like a nutcracker (though admittedly, less painful for the male in this case). And is it believed that the thing that goes in the middle is the spot where the g-spot can be found. So what does this mean? Well, it means the stimulation should not only be aroused in the visible clit, but should also be around the g-spot and the ‘legs’.

Additionally, just like how penises get erections, the clitoris does the same thing as well. It may sound weird, but it is true! Erections happen when two internal tubes inside the erectile tissue grow with blood, and the clitoris also has those tubes inside of it. This means when a woman is aroused, those tubes also get hard; just like a penis, the clitoris will also grow and will be more sensitive. Oh, and the vagina will also expand when there is an increase in blood flow; it actually grows to about the same size of the penis.

Do you know the vagina has good cultural bacterial growth? This could be handy because plenty of women spend money on special products designed to ‘clean’ the vagina - but the vagina actually cleans itself, and introducing chemicals in there can mess up the natural bacteria in the vagina, creating infections. So think twice before you think ‘oh, I should clean it out!’

On the other hand, all women should also be aware the vagina has a balanced pH level. Vaginas are naturally acidic with normal pH levels around 4.5; semen, by contrast, clocks in around 8. And why is that? Well, because naturally, the vagina wants to neutralize the environment so sperm can survive there; it is just natural evolutionary survival. But it is interesting that having too much sex can cause changes in the pH levels of the vagina…and that can lead to infections…so nature wants us to have sex, but not too much sex? Of course, that doesn’t mean you should refrain from having sex altogether! Just be careful about peeing between sessions to help decrease the risk of infection.

And lastly, you should keep in mind how wet the vagina gets depends on her menstrual cycle. Chances are a woman will get a more slippery and wet vagina when she ovulates. And it is important to know the vagina itself doesn’t have any lubrication glands. (I can hear you now: ’what are you talking about? People are not insane, vaginas get wet!’) Well what actually happens when a woman is aroused, you are seeing plasma being liberated from the capillaries in the vaginal lining. Strange little facts about evolution, vaginas, and women, right?

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