If you are new to bondage or just starting to develop an interest then let me first say welcome to the club. Bondage sex is some of the best sex that you will ever have. At least that is my opinion.
Just because you have decided to try bondage does not mean that you are prepared. After all, reading about it and being ready are not the same. While it is important to get an idea of what you plan to do, it is also important to get an idea of what you need. In fact, you should already have everything ready before you even attempt to try bondage sex.
But a quick browse online or in an adult store will reveal so many different things that you aren't even sure where to start. What exactly is necessary if you want to try out bondage? Well let's have a look at the supplies everyone trying bondage sex should have on hand.
1. Restraints
This is obvious, but believe it or not many people do not own the proper restraints. While it is true that anything from a scarf to specially designed items can be used, the most benefit comes from the items that work the best.
Keep in mind if you are planning to incorporate bondage sex into a kinkier lifestyle that you already have, or if the person being bound has a hard time keeping still, you are going to want to restrain them a little more than the average person.
It is also important to make sure the restraints fit properly and are sturdy. A few scarves are good if you are working with someone already trained or if you are just trying a little light bondage play. Otherwise, I'd recommend straps, handcuffs or rope for your experience.
2. Blindfold/Gag
Not everyone likes to blindfolded and gagged during bondage sex. But it definitely takes an ordinary experience and makes it special. When you can not see or speak, the other senses are enhanced. This is amazing when you are being touched or teased. It also adds an air of suspense to the experience that will help build up the sexual tension and desire.
Always talk to your partner before you decide to use these items. But if you both agree then I'd recommend starting with a light blindfold and cloth gag. Once the sub has more experience I'd advise a tight blindfold and ball gag.
3. Sensory Materials
This could mean a variety of materials. Remember, when you are losing control it enhances everything around you. Especially if you've utilized the blindfold and gag. This make the sense of touch stronger.
A variety of sensory materials are effective at making the experience even more powerful and satisfying. Some things I'd suggest are;
- Lotions/Creams that will be massaged into the skin. Some greats ones are those that have special effects like warming, cooling and enhancing orgasm.
- Whips, Crops and other stuff that can be gently run along the skin or given a good hearty *thwak* with. *wink*
- Cold and warm items that will take the senses back and forth for the participant
There can be a lot of other things added into the mix. Some of my favorites are sex toys, clamps and sometimes even food items. It's always fun to be bound and gagged and not know quite what is coming next.
If you are unsure of what materials to use, it is a good idea to talk to your partner. Chances are she knows what she is interested in even when you do not.