Getting back to a sexual routine with your partner after becoming a mother might be tricky. You might have a hard time finding your sexual path and you would need to discover your sexuality all over again. Your partner’s support is critical at this time. It might also help to add in exciting sex toys and accessories to keep you stimulated and interested since your time becomes even more limited than it was before once you have a baby. But there are some benefits to having sex after pregnancy you didn’t enjoy before this amazing phase in your life. It is about time you start to discover them to appreciate how they can develop your sexuality and take it to the next level.
1. You will feel like a virgin again
Feeling like a virgin is a nice side effect of having sexual intercourse after pregnancy and giving birth. However, be sure to wait for your genitalia to recover fully after such an intense and overwhelming process. This might take several weeks but it is necessary for your health and your sex life as well. Once you recover, your senses and especially the sexual feelings are aroused again. Indeed, the first time you have sex after giving birth will seem like the first time in your life. You will enjoy it in a very intense way. Plus, you will experience sexual stimulation and intercourse at a whole new level. However, this is specific to each woman.
2. You will have less sexual inhibitions
You might be amazed to discover your sexual inhibitions are not so strong once you experience pregnancy. To some extent, this happens because your body has reached a level of maturity to help you drop your own limits and let you discover new aspects of your sexuality. You become more open to try intense fetishes like bondage sex, anal play or even have threesomes. Chances are your partner will be happy to try all these new experiences with you and might even bring in more sex toys and accessories into your sexual encounters. Don’t be afraid, embrace this new sexual freedom and don’t allow new limits to stop you from having amazing orgasms.
3. Your partner might be more turned on by you
Pregnant women as well as women who recently became mothers tend to be more attractive in the eyes of men. So, your partner is no exception. He will love to enjoy every single part of your body and even add some nipple clamps to see you more excited than ever before during an intense session of sexual intercourse. He will want to rediscover your body all over again and enjoy the changes it has been through while you will release moan after moan. Let him
explore you with his hands and sexual desire. At this time, a couple has the chance to bond again and build a stronger connection than before—on top of the fact they have just become parents. So, don’t let these advantages pass you by. Enjoy every sexual encounter after pregnancy and everything it has to offer both of you.
4. You will enjoy an orgasm in a more intense way
Finally, yet another important advantage of being a recent mother is enjoying orgasms at a completely new level. This is partly because you most likely spent a long time without having one, during the final phase of your pregnancy up until your recovery phase after giving birth. With your body experiencing a new hormonal balance, having an orgasm again will stimulate it in a more exciting way than before. You might even aim for sexual encounters with multiple orgasms since you feel so sexually active after your full recovery.