There are aΒ number ofΒ choices inΒ each category here and itΒ depends onΒ what type ofΒ feelingΒ you want orΒ would like toΒ give. *g* The feelings can beΒ best describedΒ as:

  • Β«snappy» orΒ Β«strappyΒ»: Like thatΒ ofΒ aΒ small belt. Snappy isΒ used toΒ describe aΒ smaller sensation,Β strappy isΒ used toΒ describe aΒ larger sensation, usually relativeΒ toΒ the size ofΒ the sensation device.
  • Β«thuddyΒ»: AΒ heavier feeling, usually combined with aΒ Β«slappy» orΒ Β«snappyΒ» feel.
  • Β«stingingΒ»: Like the feel ofΒ being snapped byΒ aΒ rubber band toΒ varying degreesdepending onΒ how itΒ isΒ used.
  • Β«slappingΒ»: Like the slap ofΒ aΒ hand, (but limited toΒ the area covered byΒ thedevice) .
  • Β«whackingΒ»: The feeling ofΒ aΒ broad area being struck atΒ once. Much likeΒ aΒ spanking, usually aΒ feeling derived from paddles orΒ whips withlarger tails.

Each ofΒ myΒ sensation toys has, inΒ it’s description, aΒ short explanation ofΒ what kind ofΒ feel youΒ can expect from that toy. ItΒ also carries aΒ Β«StrictnessΒ RatingΒ» which isΒ typically dependent onΒ how the toy isΒ used. The best advice weΒ can offer here isΒ 'Don’t beΒ afraid toΒ try something new!

SomeΒ things for the dominant toΒ considerΒ when purchasing aΒ sensation toy isΒ how itΒ will beΒ used, how experiencedΒ you are with whips, crops, paddles, etc. asΒ well asΒ how experiencedΒ your submissive isΒ and what types ofΒ sensations they like, orΒ areΒ willing toΒ submit to. While some may enjoy aΒ whack from aΒ paddle,Β aΒ sharp snap from aΒ rubber whip might not beΒ their thing. OfΒ course,Β that’s not toΒ say you can’t try toΒ work towards aΒ mutual agreementΒ towards each other’s desires and aΒ little training toΒ get your submissiveΒ toΒ enjoy playing with aΒ toy they never thought they’d like. InΒ fact,Β there are lots ofΒ things IΒ never thought I’d like that IΒ reallyΒ enjoy now… IΒ mean REALLY enjoy!

AΒ few pointers onΒ using your newΒ toy:

For best results, try using your newΒ whip onΒ aΒ pillow toΒ practice your aim. ToΒ determine feel, use itΒ onΒ the more sensitive inside portion ofΒ your arm. There are aΒ few areasΒ toΒ avoid when using aΒ whip, crop orΒ paddle. TheseΒ include the neck and face and you should also avoid any hard hits toΒ the lower portionsΒ ofΒ the back where the kidneys are located. The best places are usuallyΒ the shoulders (mmmmm), the butt (especially the fleshy portion whereΒ the bottom meets the back ofΒ the thigh, known affectionately byΒ submissives and dominants alike asΒ the Β«sweet spotΒ»), and the backs ofΒ the thighs.

Favorites vary among individuals, but the breasts and pubic areasΒ can also beΒ fun with whips that are not too heavy. (Unless you likeΒ that type ofΒ thing!) Most importantly, ifΒ it’s something you’ve neverΒ used before, beΒ careful, take your time and discuss theΒ types ofΒ things you both find exciting and pleasurable. It’s alwaysΒ aΒ good idea toΒ take some pointers from those who know… you can checkΒ out myΒ selection ofΒ books regarding safe play and the proper useΒ ofΒ toys like these. I’d suggest SM101 asΒ aΒ title that will give youΒ good information onΒ not only sensation toys, but many other aspectsΒ ofΒ BDSM. ItΒ may seem silly when you’re doing it, but it’s very good toΒ practice onΒ aΒ pillow! Concentrate onΒ your aim and control byΒ trying toΒ hit the sameΒ spot over and over. IfΒ it’s aΒ feather pillow, concentrate onΒ yourΒ control byΒ not making too much ofΒ anΒ indentation inΒ the pillow.

IΒ carry whips made from kidskin leather,Β suede leather, latex, rubber, pvc, nylon and more. IfΒ you have aΒ preferenceΒ asΒ toΒ material, this makes your decision that much easier. DifferentΒ materials feel different, soΒ keep inΒ mind what you’re looking forΒ inΒ aΒ sensation and you’ll find what you’re looking for here.

The best type of whip for the inexperienced top is the shorter style that allows for better control. The 12" and 18" styles are great for practicing your «style» and improving your aim. Master likes the 18" whips for best feel and control. The 18" suede whips are nicely balanced to give you a good feel for the whip and the placement of the tails.

Most ofΒ the whips IΒ carry are very easyΒ toΒ control with very little practice ifΒ only just aΒ few swipes acrossΒ your arm toΒ get the feel ofΒ it. Bullwhips and longer floggers over 24" are more difficult toΒ control.

Control ofΒ bullwhips isΒ difficult andΒ most are typically used for decoration and psychological effect. IfΒ you wish toΒ use this onΒ your submissive, practice, practice, practice!Β They are difficult toΒ aim and control and can make quite aΒ nastyΒ mark. (Some subs love this, ofΒ course, but safety isΒ the key and knowingΒ and respecting limits.)

Crops are very sexy and offer aΒ differentΒ feel asΒ well asΒ much more control than aΒ whip. WeΒ love toΒ play withΒ crops. They’re not only sexy toΒ feel, but they make aΒ lovely snappingΒ sound when used. WeΒ can’t help but give aΒ few *smacks* with them ifΒ one makes our way into our hands. It’s simply impossible not to. IfΒ you have one, orΒ have held one, you know what IΒ mean! You can use aΒ crop inΒ aΒ couple ofΒ ways. First, youΒ can use itΒ like aΒ paddle, using the contact area straight on. ThisΒ isΒ great for training when directions are required, telling the slaveΒ where you want them orΒ which way toΒ go, such asΒ slaps onΒ the innerΒ thighs toΒ spread wider orΒ taps onΒ the butt for moving along. Secondly,Β you can use the tip with aΒ flicking motion toΒ Β«snapΒ» with.Β With aΒ quick flick ofΒ the wrist, make sure that only the tip comesΒ inΒ contact momentarilyΒ β€” aΒ sort ofΒ glancing strike. This feels GREAT and isΒ fun toΒ do. AsΒ always, practice makes perfect!

Canes are aΒ favorite ofΒ schoolhouse fantasies.Β They are very accurate and easy toΒ use. They provide aΒ stinging feelingΒ and can beΒ very light toΒ very intense. BeΒ careful asΒ with any whipΒ orΒ crop, but canes can raise some pretty serious welts ifΒ you useΒ itΒ hard enough (Again, some submissives may love this, but safety isΒ keyΒ asΒ isΒ knowing and respecting limits.)

Paddles offer aΒ feel much like aΒ spanking.Β They cover aΒ wide area atΒ once and depending onΒ the material you chooseΒ (wood, leather, pvc, fleece covered), they can deliver aΒ wide range ofΒ sensations. Paddles are best inΒ the fleshyΒ area atΒ the tops ofΒ the backs ofΒ each thigh where the derriere cheeksΒ meet the legs. This Β«sweet spotΒ» mentioned earlier isΒ one ofΒ the best places for any sensation deviceΒ and isΒ especially good for beginners asΒ itΒ offers aΒ less intense,Β butt still very stimulating experience!

Very similar toΒ paddles, butt with aΒ smaller, slimmer surface area. Often, slappers will have aΒ split endΒ inΒ which the two pieces slap together making aΒ louder Β«smacking» orΒ Β«whackingΒ» sound which isΒ pleasing toΒ the ear (especiallyΒ for those who love the sound ofΒ paddling orΒ being paddled!) This alsoΒ offers the benefit for the one being paddled toΒ have less smack feelΒ for more smack soundΒ β€” but don’t worry, that’s not cheating! *giggles*Β 

TakeΒ meΒ toΒ see the Whips, Crops, Slappers, Paddles, Floggers and Canes!

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