Do you know how easily you can fall into a sort of sex routine? We humans are creatures of habit, and sex is definitely a part of that. Before you know it, you and your partner can be doing the same thing every single time. And hey, nothing wrong with that…but sometimes, you certainly want to try something different, right?
And yes, trying new positions is a welcomed change of pace. But what if you want something really different? Like trying being someone else entirely? That is a very fun experience that will make you think you are having sex with someone else. All you need is imagination, creativity and commitment to the play/scenario.
Role play is not only a good way to add something new to the equation, is also a great form of relief. Pretending to be someone else, even if is just for a while, is a good way to escape the stress of daily life. And boy, do we know it can get overwhelming sometimes wink*
Another great thing about role play is that it can help you overcome shyness. If you want to be a bit bolder, you can try some role play. It can be something as simple as changing your name and pretending to be someone else.
Being someone else and adapting different mannerisms and forms of speaking can definitely feel like something totally new and unexpected. As a result, you will act different and chances are you’ll be less shy. It can be done in small steps, but it can guide you into something as simple as introducing dirty talk into the bedroom. Hey, you need to start somewhere, right? Wink*
The first thing you need to do is discuss with your partner some common ground fantasies to play out. Talk about some scenarios you both like and would be comfortable trying. You can start with something relatively close to your comfort zone; take small steps and discuss how far into role play you will go.

One you’ve settled on a scenario, you need to prepare. Reserve to time to play alone, without time restrictions; after all, who can fully engage in play when you know you have to be done in one hour? You also need to take some time and prepare the scenario. Keep a list about what you need: costumes, accessories or props you may need, if you need to make a hotel or a restaurant reservation…Take care of the little details because that is what makes a difference here.
If you want to start with something simple, how about pretending to be strangers that just met in a bar? Don’t see or talk to each other all day; arrive separately at a place and make sure to change your looks. It doesn’t need to be something dramatic, but dress differently to how you normally would; maybe add a wig if you want to. Make eye contact, introduce yourself and flirt. Get to know each other, remember this is your first time meeting them wink* When one of you suggests going to a place more quiet, there’s only one question: a hotel or your house?
It can be really exciting to pretend you don’t know each other. It brings out the emotions you felt when you didn’t know each other; besides, you can rediscover forgotten things or even find out new things about each other. And since you are not “you”, you can act and suggest things in the bedroom you wouldn’t normally do. Have fun, strangers…