Benefits of Having Sex - Additional reasons why you should have sex more often

Science says you should be having sex every day. It may sound like too much, but hey! I’m not the only one who’s saying it…it is science. And that may have something to do with the many benefits of sex; besides how nice it feels, there are actually several health benefits that come with having sex, so if you are looking to have more sex, this is the perfect excuse. Just open up your calendar to make sure you have time…

If you are looking to look young forever, sex may be the answer. Ok, I’m sure a healthy diet, plenty of water, exercise, and reducing your stress levels also help, not to mention genetics of course, but research has found people who have more sex tend to look younger. A study found that people whose age was estimated to be less than 7 to 12 years than their actual age had sex about three times a week. Oh! And it’s not just that they looked younger - they also tended to be more comfortable and confident with their overall sexual identity.

On the other hand, if you are looking to conceive, sex is the way to go…well, ‘duh you genius’ - I mean, besides the obvious, having sex everyday makes you more fertile. I know this could sound a bit silly considering the circumstances, but scientists say sex prepares your immune system for pregnancy, which augments your fertility. I’m guessing there has to be a deep-rooted evolutional and biological reason for it…

And speaking about the immune system, having sex twice a week (at the very least) actually helps fighting off colds, the flu and even fevers. This is because sex liberates antigens like immunoglobulin A, and you don’t need to be a doctor to know this improves the immune system and helps with those pesky inconveniences. Just try to have sex before you get them, because otherwise you may spread it to your partner, and then you will need to withstand their dramatic declarations of death when they are lying in bed asking for some soup as their ‘last wish’…

For men, men who ejaculate more often actually reduce their risk of developing prostate cancer. What is more impressive is this risk could lower by as much as 22%. Scientists still haven’t found what the exact link is, but it’s been proven to actually work. And speaking about prostates, ejaculating more often also lowers their risk of having prostate problems, especially later in life. Ejaculating is an important process of having a healthy prostate, so you should definitely be doing it more often if you are a man. And hey, there are plenty of options to go about it too wink*

Another visible health benefit is that sex lowers blood pressure. This also has the added benefit of lowering stress levels, which is obviously a very good thing. According to a study, people who had more penile-vaginal intercourse had lower blood pressure…so all cool things.

If you are looking to get smarter, sex can also help your brain! Several researchers have found having more sex allows the brain to function better and makes you smarter. So apparently the answer lies in sex too, not just in books…who could tell?

All women know how bad cramps can get, hampering your entire mood for the day. But good news is orgasms help relieve them; if you are looking to get rid of menstrual cramps, sex can also be the perfect answer. It probably has to do with the oxytocin your body releases, but whatever the reason, orgasms do help. And the good news is you don’t necessarily need a partner; next time you feel those cramps coming, just masturbate. I swear this works, so don’t dismiss it as a myth and thank me later wink*

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