How An Active Sex Life Helps You Age Better

Among the many benefits a regular and healthy sex life brings to us, one is extremely interesting: the effect our sex life has on the aging process. Scientists and sexologists tried to study its effects for years. Even if the connection between a regular sex life and aging is not very clear, its effects are easy to see. For instance, people who are more sexually active tend to look younger than those who don’t have a regular sex life. But how can this happen? Moreover, how can you increase your chances of enjoying such an amazing benefit? Well, we are about to discover in this article.

1. The hormones released during sex help rejuvenate the skin

During sexual intercourse and stimulation, your body releases a variety of hormones such as adrenaline, endorphins, oxytocin and many more. Some of these are pain relievers while others are extremely beneficial for the skin. Since the skin is the biggest organ of our body, it lives off everything inside of us so hormones are a big role in the way our skin looks. So, next time you consider skipping a sexual encounter with your partner or a good session of masturbation, think twice. You’d better grab your favorite sex toys or accessories and dive into an intense sex scene. You can easily satisfy yourself by using your favorite dildo, vibrator, electro-stimulating device or nipple clamps, depending on your sexual preferences and enjoy the benefits of sexual pleasure and climax.

2. Orgasms stimulate our mind

Orgasms are a great experience to have as often as we can during our lifetime. Some of us give them the importance they need but others underestimate their power. Right before orgasm, our brain releases oxytocin, which is a hormone to relieve pain. But it also stimulates the mind. So, the power of a good orgasm goes beyond physical satisfaction and enters the level of mental satisfaction so we can benefit from such a sexual experience in an even more profound way. Studies have shown the minimum number of orgasms we should enjoy each month for a healthy sex life is 21, but feel free to discover the maximum number for yourself! It can be a pleasant challenge to take on.

3. Sex keeps our body healthy

A healthy body will always look younger and when combined with a healthy mind, then it can slow down the aging process tremendously. But there is something else you can do to maintain a healthy body aside from eating a good diet and exercising regularly. A healthy sex life and an increased number of orgasms will help maintain your body’s healthy for a longer period of time and help you avoid certain diseases such as prostate cancer or heart attacks. Sex also helps to release stress, which is common nowadays. Stress is great at speeding up the aging process. Regular orgasms and an active sex life can complete your healthy general lifestyle and possibly save you from many medical conditions along the way.

Even if these benefits are obvious or not so in some cases, no one can establish how exactly a constant sex life can influence the process of aging for humans. Regardless, one thing is certain: you need to combine it with a healthy diet and workout sessions to enjoy all its benefits. Moreover, without making this your only goal when you have sex, remember to enjoy all the other benefits a good sexual experience offers you and your partner. A couple grows stronger from having a good level of intimacy and the great sexual experiences they enjoy together.


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