We live in a world where more and more couples are engaging in occasional threesomes. You may have thought about doing one with your partner, but don’t know if it is hard to find that third member for it. Usually there are special places you can meet people who want to participate, but you can also find someone in a bar or in a club.
These kinds of people are referred as unicorns; usually is a bisexual man or woman who wants to participate in a sexual experience with a couple for one night or one experience (basically like a one night stand where no one has any expectations). Most people prefer to find someone unrelated to them (this means ruling out friends) because of potential awkwardness.

Another thing that may worry you is jealousy. It is normal that a monogamous couple experiences some concerns about this. But the majority of people who engage on threesomes really don’t have any issues with it. As a matter of fact, a lot of people actually believe it makes their relationship stronger because it proves the couple has a lot of trust in each other. If both parties are on the same age, this could a wonderful experience for them.
But before you embark on the search of finding someone for the threesome, is a good idea to evaluate the reasons why you want to do this as a couple. You are going in the right direction if you want to have a threesome because it is a sexual fantasy or something that intrigues you. On the other hand, is not a good idea to do it if you think this will fix a problem in your relationship or because you want to cheat on them in a ‘legal’ way.
If you are on the right path, you may begin your search. In this modern world, there are even dating apps specifically for threesomes (what a world we live in wink*). However be aware this is like other dating apps; the person you have been talking with may not be like that in real life, so take the same precautions as you normally would. After all, this person is still a stranger (at first at least wink*)
If you decide to go on that route, make sure to very clear on your profile about what you are looking for. Only contact people who fit what you are looking for; keep in mind not every bisexual person or everyone interested in multiple partners will want to have a threesome with you. And if it doesn’t explicitly say on their profile they are looking for that or if they are bisexual, don’t be rude by sending them a private message asking them about it.
On the other hand, if you want to look for someone in real life, approach them in a respectful manner. This means always asking if they want to so something and letting them know everything is cool if they don’t want to do it. Another thing to be aware of is, the threesome won’t necessarily occur right away. If they want to do it that same moment, cool. But a lot of people want to know the couple a little bit more before advancing things further.
When you finally do it, you should also be aware your expectations may bot be want you thought. This is especially true if you have a huge fantasy about threesomes. Sex in fantasies can be quite different in real life, so you should know the experience is great but a fantasy is just a fantasy because it won’t happen exactly as you imagine.
The important thing here is to have fun and share a fantasy with your partner, so embrace anything that comes (you two, hopefully wink*)