How to do a Bondage Collaring Ceremony

Collaring ceremonies share a lot in common with weddings. Both are done out of a desire to commit to someone in a more permanent way. Just that in this case, the collar is the physical representation of that commitment; of the shared bond the Dominant and the Submissive share.

As far as the ceremony goes, it can be as intimate or as elaborate as the couple chooses to do it. It can become a party where friends and family are invited or can happen in a more intimate setting with just the participants. Some couples even choose to do it like a wedding, with a third party officiating the ceremony while they say their vows and statements.

The collar can basically be whatever the couple chooses. It can be made out of leather or be engraved; can be metal or have some sort of rhinestone. Some collars are a simple chain with a padlock, others a thin strip of leather and some others can be more elaborate. A couple might choose a collar with a lock, with the dominant holding the key. While some collars given out in collaring ceremonies are even normal jewelry, so the submissive receives a simple necklace.

Want to know how a base ceremony like this goes? Of course you do, here it goes:

Usually, a table and a chair are put at the end of the room. The table will hold all the materials needed for the ceremony; guests will be seated or standing around or at the front of this β€œstage’. Some people prefer lighting come out of candles, but normal lamps are also used. Some background music is normally provided.

The submissive will then join the dominant as the ceremony begins. Most submissives will enter the room and will kneel at the front of the master. Then, vows will be exchanged.

Typically, the dominant will begin with some words about honor, obedience and love. Something like an introduction to the vows that will be said later on; it can be talked about the mutual desire to formalize the union and the reasons why they are choosing to do this. If someone is officiating the ceremony, this speech can be said by them.

The vows can follow something along the lines of:

Dom: _____ (as they refer to the sub), do you offer me your love and commitment?

Sub: Yes, ________ (as they refer to the dom)

If there is alcohol involved, the dominant will pour some into a glass wine and then will offer it to the submissive for them to take a sip.

Dom: _____, do you honor me?

Sub: Yes, _____

The sub will then kiss the dominant’s feet.

Dom: _____, will you offer your submission to me?

Sub: Yes, _____

The dominant will then proceed to grab the collar from the table or to take it out of the box, and will offer it to the sub. They will say a few words along the lines of:

Dom: This collar will symbolize my love, a physical reminder that offer you my honor and respect. It will represent all my responsibilities as a dominant and will be a visible token of our relationship and commitment.

The dom will put the collar in the sub’s neck and will kiss him/her. Then the dominant will thank the guests for coming and if there is a celebration afterwards, they will proceed to it.

Now that you know what a collaring ceremony entails, there is nothing to be afraid of. I wouldn’t be surprised to receive an invitation for your own special ceremony a while from now. I just hope it doesn’t get lost in the mail, wink*.

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