Are the people who play with whips and chains in the bedroom healthier than people who just have normal sex? According to many recent studies, the answer is yes. Usually people who practice BDSM have a higher sex drive and healthier mind. This may seem a bit strange to ‘Vanilla’ people, but when you think things through you will find this isn't it strange at all.
To practice BDSM, one needs to have the power of imagination. You can't do all those role-playings and acts without being on the creative side. In BDSM plays you get a chance to enhance your creativity. A BDSM scene is like a stage where you are an actor who can be anything he or she wants. You can be a doctor or you can be a fireman. You can be the dominant or the submissive one. Indeed, you can let yourself go and set yourself free from all the rules and judgments presented by everyday life.
Here are some health benefits of BDSM:
Better Communication:
When it comes to communicating with each other, BDSM couples are way ahead of Vanilla couples. To practice BDSM, you have to be fully dedicated to learn about your partner’s likes and dislikes. The two of you need to have a psychological connection and be able to depend on each other. In fact, you can share things with your partner you can't share with anybody else.
Increased intimacy:
A study published in the journal Archives of Sexual Behavior revealed couples who participate in BDSM activities have a closer relationship than vanilla couples. In fact, couples who practice BDSM are more intimate with each other than other couples in general. Vanilla couples may not trust each other with being blindfolded and tied with a rope. But, BDSM couples do. In BDSM, you need to have a certain level of trust and connection with your partner where you can be completely vulnerable to them. If this does not increase intimacy then what does?
BDSM discourages from cheating:
Practicing BDSM can keep your partner from cheating on you. Because of the increased trust and the ability to be vulnerable, BDSM couples tend to be more honest with each other. Thus, prevent them from cheating.
Improved psychological health:
In the past, people have correlated BDSM with abuse, rape, or mental illness. But over time, science has proven this way of thinking couldn’t be more wrong. A study published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine in 2013 revealed couples who practice BDSM scored higher in certain psychological tests than normal couples. BDSM couples are more open minded and very secure in their relationships.
Significantly reduces psychological stress:
The same study also indicated couples who practice BDSM experience a significant drop in the levels of cortisol in their body after their activities possibly owing to the judgment free atmosphere.
Reduced anxiety:
Couples who practice BDSM tend to be less anxious. The enjoyment they receive through pain and pleasure increases blood flow to the brain and other parts of the body. Hence, it can leave the participants with a deep feeling of relaxation after every successful session.
Everyday new researches and studies are conducted on BDSM. As a result, more and more scientists and psychologists are starting to agree about the benefits of BDSM. So, keep an open mind and don't be afraid to spice things up.
We all have things we can't get out of our minds. We all have desires. But we tend to hide them from the world. Don’t we all deserve a chance to explore our fantasies? It's healthy to get things off of our minds every once in a while. Moreover, not be judged for them. Everybody needs a release and BDSM can give you this chance. Indeed, it is an opportunity to express the real you to your partner and vice versa.