Getting a vibrator is new and exciting moment in a woman’s life. I usually tend to think every woman has at least one in her drawer, but, as I’m often reminded, that is not always the case. Vibrators not only heighten arousal, but they can also make orgasms a lot more intense. In spite of this, there are still a few girls out there (don’t hide, come closer wink*) that are not sure whether to try one. Well, that’s about to change right now, ladies.
I’ve discussed it with a few girlfriends and some have said feel they “should” orgasm without the help of a vibrator. Well, if you are one of those, I will tell you what I have said to them: in sex (and life!) there is no should except what feels good. The end. Think about it, we use the help of a million things to get through our daily life and to make things easier, so why not apply the same principle here? After all, do you have to make a fire every time you cook? No! You use the stove. Do you heat water in pots in order to clean up? No! You use a heater and a shower. And a million other examples wink*.

It’s not a secret that a lot of women can have some trouble reaching orgasm. And a vibrator might be the key to help you get there. In order for your body to reach it, you must be aware of the two parts of the brain that work in conjunction: the accelerator and the brakes. The accelerator part responds to sensations you find arousing and sexy, ranging from touches, smells, sights or whatever makes you feel tickly down there wink*. The brakes part makes sure to put a stop to the things I mentioned above if your brain perceives it as a threat, think along the lines of self criticism and body image, pregnancy and STD’s and possible relationship issues. Now, a vibrator helps getting rid of all those breaks and enhancing all those “yes, please” sensations; besides, the mechanical items of a vibrator will arouse parts you certainly cannot reach by yourself or with some one else (sorry, had to be said). So if you are one of those women who think “Oh, I’m not able to cum that hard or not able to reach orgasm”, please, go ahead and try one and report with me later, wink*.

Another aspect that makes some women a bit weary about using one, are the side effects. Some are convinced the will get addicted, and well you may be incredibly in love with your toy but I would say that addiction is good. Think: is your chocolate addiction a bad thing? Basically, if it makes you feel good and does no harm, it gets the green light. And there are no “side effects”, vibrators are not dangerous and for all of you ladies in a relationship, no, they won’t replace your lover. Yes, a toy gives you incredible pleasure, but a partner does more for you than just pleasure you. Human contact, interaction and affection can never be replaced, so rest assured: a partner is not a toy and a toy is not a partner.
As I mentioned above, there’s only one life and we are meant to enjoy it and be happy. Just as you enjoy doing the things that you love and bring you pleasure, whether is eating, having a glass of wine, getting together with love ones, exercising or having sex, a vibrator will be no different. If you try it and find is not your thing, great, but at least try it to see if it can improve your life in a positive way. Like I always say: take the time to do things that feel good to you, wink*.