How Sex Toys Can Help You Climax Together!

Sex toys are a fun add-on to your sex life, but for some people it’s a bit more than that. Sex toys are a great aid for people who have trouble achieving orgasms and climaxing. It’s not a secret plenty of couples have trouble getting there on their own, so sex toys are the perfect answer for those cases when you need a little push to just get there.

If you are seeing a sex therapist or a consultant of some sort, chances are they will suggest introducing a sex toy to your sex lives. So, how can they help you out? There are plenty of choices and ways they help; it all depends on your particular trouble and what is happening there that you two are having problems achieving orgasm.

The short story would probably be to divide them into three separate categories; toys that help slowing things down so you have time to get to climax, other toys will stimulate only one of you and other set of toys will stimulate you both at the same time. Currently there are a lot of toys in each category and basically there is a toys for each and every one of you wink*.

Before you choose one, there are some things you will have to keep in mind. The first step is to talk about it; discuss which partner could use some extra stimulations and where would they need that extra help. This is extremely important because depending on what you want and need, you will be able to make a decision about which toy to get. When you have made a decision, learn about the lube you will need for your toy. Not all lubes are created equal and you will need to know which one to use depending on the material of your toy.

When you are ready to try it out, remember to start out slow and gauge the body’s reaction to the new stimuli. And keep in mind just because you are using something new, it doesn’t mean you can just skip foreplay. Foreplay is the probably the most important part of the experience, so take your time getting there.

Sometimes even the slightest and smallest item or change can create a whole new experience and sensations. Now, if at any point it starts to hurt or you find it incredibly uncomfortable, stop right away. The idea is to have fun and to have a pleasurable experience!

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