Bondage should always be consensual. That's a given, right? If your partner is not there and having fun with you, it's not going to be enjoyable. Besides, we believe that a healthy and happy bondage relationship is much more than just consensual, it's loving, open and most of all caring.
When you are with your partner you want to give them their highest highs and take them to the peaks of their hardest orgasms ever. Bondage isn't just about great sex, it's about fucking fantastic. Literally. It's about taking something that is great, and making it even better, kind of like Red Vines licorice - Delicious all on their own, but now you put a Diet Pepsi with them and you have heaven on earth…-*wistfully daydreaming about things no one else really cares about but matter greatly to me…. *
Okay, getting back to bondage. We already agreed that you are both in it, to win it! The gold medal of all orgasms, the after shocks of tomorrow and the orgasmic screams that wake up the neighborhood. Yes, they can all be yours too, if you listen closely to what Autumn the Bondage Goddess has to say. My knowledge is vast and mighty and will help win many "o's " and lots of "OH MY GODS", and will turn you from a mere mortal into a sex god yourself…..your lucky lover doesn't even know what is going to hit them! *bam* It was just another orgasm. (Wow, you are good!)

Not only do we have to first of all find you a gold medal because that dismount you just did was amazing, we also need to chat about how you did it! Oh, wait…that was me. Okay, then here is how I did it.
For an hour there was nothing more than me and my lover. Nothing more than the sensual feeling of the rope gliding against my body forming perfectly fitted knots of sensuality against my skin. Only the touch of his fingertips remained imprinted against my mind as my passion rose to new heights. His touch, his taste, his sound riveted me fully and completely as I lost myself in a complete wonderland of play and passion. During this time nothing existed other than him and I drank him in fully and completely.
To fully immerse yourself in bondage, you must first allow yourself to let go. Know that you are safe and loved. Be with someone your trust and adore. Let them take you to new heights of passion and thermonuclear passion with just a light touch or a perfectly placed slap.
Don't think about anything else other than them. Consider it a bit of a meditation exercise, although it is certainly more enjoyable than yoga and if you do it right, involves many more accessories. Just for those moments, BE.

The beauty of bondage is that when I am tied up, I don't have to think about anything. I can just simply be. There are no expectations and no regrets, there is only us and we are fully magnificent in the moment of complete sensuality and incredible passion.
This is the key to amazing sex, whether it be bondage sex or even "vanilla sex" (for those you wondering, Vanilla Sex is sex with no bondage and I find it quite boring….zzz…..) is the ability to lose yourself in a moment. Don't worry about what it must look like or what the neighbors might think. Because chances are you, if you do it right your neighbors will be pretty jealous. I'm pretty sure that they have never done as much orgasmic screaming as you are going to do. Or maybe they have and you really just need to step up your game. LOL!
So, while the keywords of bondage are Safe, Sane and Consensual, I think the sensual side is really the side we all like. Of course to be with your lover, it has to be safe. It also has to be sane, as in…please don't get arrested but if you do, call me and we will figure out a way to get you bailed out. Unless there was a donkey involved and then you are all on your own. I have to have standards people…..*laughing*….
Let go of who you think you should be and what it is you think should be happening. Let him take control and allow yourself to be fully lost in the sensuality of the moment. And don't worry about the dismount. I'm already giving you a 10! Gold Medals for everybody! Whoop! Whoop!