3 Sexiest Flirting Tips for Anyone

We all feel those butterflies in the stomach when we meet a person who sparks our sexual interest, but not all of us know how to show it and express it in a flirtatious and sexy way. While flirting comes natural to some of us, others might struggle with it due to a shy personality and other worries like the fear of failure which can damage the quality of any flirt. Low self-confidence is another reason for being a poor flirt. Remember, sending the good vibe is essential when you want to get your potential partner’s attention. But you don’t need to worry any longer, as we are about to list some of the best flirting strategies to help you get the adventure of your life. And there is nothing hard about it!

1. Dress up in something to make you feel sexy

The way you look is crucial for successful flirting. It is all related with the idea of creating the best first impression, which is a chance you only get once. Wear something comfortable but sexy. At the same time, cherish your body enough to show it off in the right way. A sexy skirt or a sexy dress can say more than a thousand words and if you combine it with an exciting perfume, you are set for success! Don’t forget the accessories and lingerie either! If your encounter does end up in the bedroom, you want to be prepared for it completely. Being dressed up in a way to make you feel attractive can also build up your self-confidence and it will show every time you interact with someone.

2. Look into your partner’s eyes

After you’ve made sure you look amazing, you have to use the right attitude as well. Don’t seem distant and shy when you say your first words to your potential lover. If you speak clear and confident, they will be more interested to continue the conversation with you and maybe even take it to the bedroom. Look into their eyes so they can build some trust with you from the start. Eye contact is important and it can be a language of its own if it is done properly. Keep a casual smile on your face and try to make both of you feel comfortable during your first meeting. The rest will follow for both your benefit.

3. Gently touch them occasionally

Gentle touches can be intimate and sexy even when you are in a public place like a club or a theatre. But make sure you find the balance between being too intimate and too distant to give your partner an idea about your intentions. Touching their hand or shoulder is a very appropriate way to break the ice. Make sure they smell your perfume and they are excited by your presence while you get closer to them. This will put new and intense ideas into your potential partner’s mind. Most of all, it will help you destroy any possible awkward moments during a first meeting.

As you can see, flirting is not rocket science and once you work on these three aspects, you will be an expert at it in no time. But also, be prepared for the second phase. If you do end up in the bedroom, you’ll want to have with you some sexy accessories like a pair of handcuffs or a small bottle of lubricant. You never know what the night might bring and you don’t want to be caught off guard especially when things start to get hotter! The accessories may vary according to what your sexual fantasies and expectations are. But don’t worry if your partner is not on the same page with you. With the right look and attitude, you can get them just as interested as you are into sharing an exciting sexual encounter with you.

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