Nervous or not, if you want something, it all starts with bringing it up. Of course, there are better ways to bring it up than others…*wink* It started with us talking about our fantasies, in depth. Even if my fantasies were a little different than he expected them to be, we were still talking about things that turned me on, which he couldn’t help but be interested
Of course, the conversation took place when we were already feeling sexual, so it went a lot more smoothly than it may have in another setting. He asked me some pretty normal questions about
Here are my answers to these questions, based some on what I’ve read, but mostly on how I feel personally. The sub doesn’t feel degraded because that person is allowing their partner to dominate them for the purposes of pleasure. The «kind of people who do BDSM» aren’t any kind certain kind of person, really. Generally, if anything, they will be the type who has a lot of
My oh my, by this time he was willing to try it
As time went on, and he began to realize how pain isn’t exactly pain. Some pain feels good, really good, and gets your sex drive pumping overtime! *g* We bought some more toys, like the Singapore Stinger II Wooden Slapper, which can really deliver a sting if you want it to. And he wanted it, he was begging for more and more. We were both getting really into the role playing, having so much fun, and we felt it even outside of the bedroom. We felt wild and exploratory and open together, and our bond was getting stronger because of it.
But what about me? It had been awhile, and I told him I was ready for my turn as submissive, yet he was still a little resistant. Something about a man dominating a woman still felt wrong to him, because that’s how he pictured abusive relationships. First of all, I told him that physical strength has nothing to do with it. With the locking bondage gear we had bought, no person could get free, not him, not me. It’s not about that, it’s about trust. The whole experience with BDSM activities really revolves around the submissive in many ways. The submissive decides how far to go, what amount of «pain» is administered, when it’s enough, when to stop. The sub is trusting their partner to lock them up, and that their dom/me will never go further than they are comfortable with. And then I put on my best pouty face, of course this was when I was all decked out in one of the latex dominatrix outfits I had bought, so there was a sexiness to the contrast of that look. *g*Sometimes all your partner needs is a little coddling before they agree to your hot and heavy BDSM fantasies. This isn’t just for
I have confidence that this will work for others like it worked for me! Now that I get to domme and sub with my lover, our relationship is even more tight and strong than it was when I dominated all the time. And he feels the same way. Trust me, if this is what you want, it’s worth it to