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Mr. H

Please tell us a little bit about yourself – How would you describe your everyday vanilla life?

I’m a graduate student in the United States working on my Master of Information Systems. I love playing tabletop games as well as role playing games that aren’t associated with the bedroom.

When did you first realize you were into bondage?

Probably early high school. The internet is an incredible tool when you’re young.

How you best describe yourself? Your choices are: Dominant, Submissive, Switch or FuzzyRainbow Unicorn. Please explain your choice.

I would describe myself as a Switch. While I don’t mind being the one tied up receiving punishment, sometimes I want to be the one doling it out.

Do you feel that your desire for bondage is more physical or emotional? (please elaborate)

I would say it is a bit of both. If I’m feeling a bit more submissive, I like the security that the restrains can give me as well as just letting go of responsibility for a little while. It’s sometimes a great feeling to let someone else make the decisions. And on other days, I like being the one in control. It all just depends on the type of day I’ve had.

What does BDSM mean to you: is it a lifestyle, a diversion, or something else?

Right now, BDSM is a secret passion of mine. I’m generally a pretty open book to most people about most things. However, I like having a little secret to call my own. 😉

What is one song you’d like to have sex to?

Allure by Skyharbor

Can you describe your first bondage experience?

I was in high school, and I had several ace bandages. In a “brilliant” move, I wrapped up both my arms with my hands touching my shoulders. It was not the smartest thing in the world to do. I ended up having to use a shower door to get the bandages back off.

What do you feel is most important about the experience of bondage?

When you find someone that has the same interest, there has to be a lot of trust in place to do a lot of this stuff. I’ve never had as much trust as I have had with my partner in our escapades. That’s what I’ve come to love about it. The intimacy. And it doesn’t always have to be sexual in nature.

What is the best advice you would give to someone just starting out with BDSM?

Consent and safety are the two biggest things when it comes to BDSM. You can sometimes get injured if you aren’t careful. BDSM is supposed to be fun! Don’t have that fun land you in a hospital’s ER.

What is your favorite gear, toy or lingerie item from and why?

The ball gag. Both to use on my partner and to have used on myself. Sometimes, you just need some quiet time.

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